Heavy-duty AMR

K600 & K1000

Heavy Duty Companion K600 & K1000 are high-performance AMR that are available as supplementary units for our HaiPick ACR. They integrate advanced software strategies and hardware features, such as DM code navigation plus inertial navigation, optional SLAM navigation, and environmental mapping. These top-of-the-line AMRs effortlessly execute path planning, obstacle avoidance, premier goods transport, and autonomous charging within our comprehensive ACR system.

AMR K600
AMR K600

Heavy Duty Companion K600 & K1000 are high-performance AMR that are available as supplementary units for our HaiPick ACR. They integrate advanced software strategies and hardware features, such as DM code navigation plus inertial navigation, optional SLAM navigation, and environmental mapping. These top-of-the-line AMRs effortlessly execute path planning, obstacle avoidance, premier goods transport, and autonomous charging within our comprehensive ACR system.


Heavy Hauler

  • Max. load capacity: 600 kg, and 1000 kg respectively.

  • 630mm wide chassis adapts to narrow aisles.

High Adaptability

  • Adjusts to multiple carriers such as pallets, racks, roll containers, and put carts.

  • Adjusts to different sites perfectly, all while being cost-effective and ensuring affordability.


Smart Navigation

  • 2D code + inertial navigation.

  • SLAM navigation (optional).

Precise Manuervability

  • Obstacle avoidance through LiDAR sensor.

Safe and Secure

  • Front and rear emergency stop buttons, front, and rear bumpers.

  • CE certified.

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Heavy-Duty Companion AMR K600 & K1000 Flyer
847.18 KB
HaiPick System 2 Flyer
6.54 MB
Our Automation Solutions
fashion warehouse automation

Increase storage density by 80-400% and space utilization rate.

e-commerce warehouse automation

Easy to expand, transform, and relocate, quick response to market demands, and business changes.

3PL warehouse automation

Increase operational efficiency by 3-4 times per worker, working accuracy 99.99%.

retail logistics solutions

Support 2B, 2C, bonded warehouse, and other businesses to meet diverse needs.


Optimize operation procedures, improve storage efficiency, and shorten investment return cycles.


Flexibly respond to customized production requirements and facilitate efficient manufacturing.


Reduce operating costs and meet diverse production and industry scenarios.