

Sydney Dry Goods Warehouse

11,000 Storage Locations in a 720㎡ Area


Storage Locations in a 1,000㎡ Area

8,000 pieces/d Daily Delivery Efficiency

8,000 pieces/d

Daily Delivery Efficiency

400 boxes/h Inbound Efficiency

400 boxes/h

Inbound Efficiency

99.99% Picking Accuracy


Picking Accuracy

Project Introduction



Umall, a subsidiary of Today Media Group, is an online grocery app that focuses on online grocery shopping and providing efficient "same-day delivery" food delivery services in Australia. Their warehouse in Sydney serves as a comprehensive logistics distribution center. It manages the production, processing, and distribution of various types of goods, including dry goods such as snacks and seasonings, fresh produce like fruits and vegetables, as well as frozen items including meat.

Hai Robotics plays a significant role in operation of the production, processing, and distribution of dry goods. Our solution provides a seamless storage and picking processes within the designated area, ensuring smooth connectivity to the subsequent stages of the distribution chain.

Pain Points

--Personnel management challenges: Our customer faced difficulties in recruiting personnel overseas, leading to a high attrition rate among their personnel.

--A high rate of manual picking errors, resulting in low picking efficiency.

--Limited storage capacity: The existing warehouse only has a net height of 8.5 meters, which hampers the storage density and efficiency of their operations.

Our Solution

--Robot quantity & type: 13 Multi-Layer A42 ACR units, and 7 Telescopic A42T ACR units


--Workstation type & quantity: 10 outbound workstations, and 3 inbound workstations


--Shelving height: 7,900mm


--Storage unit type/size: Tote/carton box 600mm(L) × 400mm(W) × 320mm(H)

Customer Value

--Warehouse area: 1,000㎡; Storage Locations: Achieved 11,000 storage slots.

--Inbound efficiency: Reached 400 boxes/h. Containers are compatible with any type of material.

--Delivery efficiency improvements: Daily delivery improved to 8,000 pieces/d; Daily single workstation picking increased to 168 pieces/h.

--Ensured the seamless integration of valuable personnel and technology and as a result maximized process productivity.

--Flexible handle relay picking in multi-temperature areas to accommodate dry, fresh, and frozen goods. PTL technology drastically reduced manual picking errors and the goods-to-people automated picking method greatly enhanced performance and efficiency.
